Grade Level: 1st grade
Topic: Living and non living things
The Essential Question: What is the difference between living ang non living things?
Brief description: Throughout class discussion, students will learn the difference between a living and non living thing. The students will do research learning the definition of the two and comparing and contrasting the differences between living and non living things. In the electronic and non-electronic research, the students will inquire information about the different classifications.
Ohio Content Standards:
1. Discover that there are living, non living, and pretend things, and describe the basic needs of living things(organisms).
2. Explain how organisms function and interact with their physical environment.
3. Describe similarities and differences that exist among individuals of the same kind of plants and animals.
Student technology standards addressed by project:
1. Students understand the use of the internet and microsoft word.
2. Students will use technology tools to process data and report results.
Learning/Instructional Objectives:
- Students will understand the difference between living and non living things.
- Students will classify things as living or non living.
- Students will explain that living things all need food, water, and air.
Internet use
Microsoft word
Sample URL's